10 Most Honest Logos By Viktor Hertz DesignFunny June 16, 2012Every logo has a hidden message according to Viktor Hertz. Viktor Hertz is a freelance graphic designer and artist from...
10 Most Iconic Vintage Hairstyles Of Celebrities DesignPeople June 12, 2012If you need a new hairstyle, here are some vintage models for you. Why don’t make it a classic? Bob,...
10 Most Creative Bathroom Signs DesignFunny June 11, 2012The most usual type of toilet sign one encounters in public places depict men as normal people and women as...
10 Most Unusual Hotel Beds Around The World DesignPlaces June 10, 2012If you are having trouble finding a unique hotel room and you need some inspiration for a special, romantic or...
10 Most Ridiculous Men Outfits from New York Fashion Week 2012 DesignFunny June 9, 2012New York Fashion Week is produced by 7th on Sixth, which was originally formed by the Council of Fashion Designers...
10 Most Humiliating Vintage Advertisements DesignGraphic Art June 8, 2012I always like creative, unique magazine ads. But this Most 10 advertisement list is far from these definitions. After looking...
10 Most Innovative Desk Designs Design June 2, 2012Many employees spend the majority of their time in their office and behind a desk. Considering the desks are the...
10 Most Nostalgic High Heel Shoe Designs By Steven Arpad Design May 30, 2012A few weeks ago I posted extraordinary high heel shoes by Kobi Levi. Today i was using one of my...
10 Most Creative Bus Stop Advertisements Design May 25, 2012Nobody likes waiting. Especially there is nothing more boring than waiting for a bus! On the other hand, bus stops...
10 Most Clever Minimalistic Magazine Ads DesignGraphic Art May 23, 2012I love simplicity. I think there is no better way to draw attention to an object, placed in big white...