A human resource (HR) manager is a vital part of an organization. They handle a wide variety of functions, from capacity planning to payroll and benefits management. However, ten functions are a critical path of value a human resource manager brings to the organization and workforce.
These critical functions enhance the employees’ experience and drive growth for the business.
Let’s explore these ten functions.
10 – Human Capacity Planning
The first and probably most crucial function of the HR manager is planning for the organization’s future human resource capacity needs. The HR manager needs to be clear about the organization’s people to drive growth and hit its business goals. This knowledge shapes how they approach recruitment, the talent pipeline, and the current staff’s learning and development needs.
09 – Managing the Recruitment Process
Next, the HR manager needs to midwife the recruitment process from start to finish. This guidance includes discussing talent needs with the hiring manager, screening through resumes, setting up the interviews, vetting the candidates, and onboarding the new employee.
Some of these functions are easier to outsource to third-party firms. For example, the Scoutlogic screening process helps HR managers run background checks on potential employees.
08 – Health and Safety
The HR manager also has to ensure that the working environment is safe and employees are never at risk of any injury. They will probably collaborate with the health and safety department of their organization to deliver on this mandate.
07 – Employee Engagement and Communication
One of the significant roles the HR manager plays is to keep the employees engaged and informed. Most HR managers tend to assume this is the role of the corporate communications department.
While some organizations run that way, the HR manager needs to liaise with the corporate communications team and create an internal communications plan that keeps the employees engaged and informed.
06 – Career Planning
Career planning is critical to most employees, and the HR manager and team should be on top of this at every point. The HR manager is in charge of guiding, designing learning and development plans, and charting a career path for employees and their line manager.
By approaching this function deliberately, the HR manager can improve the retention rates of the organization. Employees also become more motivated and productive.
05 – Learning and Development
Closely related to career planning are learning and development. The HR team is in charge of designing learning and development programs that ensure the employees develop the skills needed to help the business achieve its goals. These programs should also prepare the employees for the skills of the future.
04 – Evaluating Job Functions
Evaluating job functions is one of the technical roles that HR plays in an organization. The HR team must continually assess the job landscape for various metrics such as qualifications, the quality of workers available, the current pay scale across the industry, and any new trends.
03 – Performance Management
By performance management, the HR team ensures that workers stay engaged, motivated, and productive. This management includes alignment on business and individual goals, open communication channels, and regular feedback.
Part of ensuring this function requires setting up annual or bi-annual 360 performance reviews between the line manager and the employee.
02 – Rewards
Rewards are critical to ensuring employees feel seen and appreciated. Rewards could include bonuses, salary, growth opportunities, recognition, and an outstanding work-life balance. Putting together a robust reward framework helps improve retention rates and creates a motivated workforce.
01 – Industrial Relations
Last but not least is industrial relations. Maintaining and managing relationships with any labor unions and their members is a significant HR manager’s role. A cordial relationship ensures quick resolution to any disputes, especially when the organization needs to downsize or lay off much staff.