10 Most Important Items to Keep in Your Car

We spend a lot more time in our cars then we would sometimes like. Whether commuting for leisure or out of necessity, driving is an almost unavoidable activity, and as such, it helps to be prepared when we’re caught with nothing but what’s in our vehicle. By keeping these simple and inexpensive items stocked in your car at all times, you can make your driving experience a little less stressful.

10 – Cash


If you’ve ever had just enough fuel to make it to the closest gas station, you already know how stressful it can be to pull in just to find that the credit card reader is down. Keeping a $10 bill in your glove box can mean the difference between making it on time to your destination, and having to call family, friends, or roadside assistance to come bail you out.

09 – Jumper Cables

Jumper Cables
Jumper Cables

BUY HERE: Energizer 2-Gauge 800A Jumper Battery Cables

Towing companies likely make a good chunk of their money off of those unfortunate souls who are stranded with a dead battery, and no jumper cables. Don’t be one of them. Having jumper cables in your trunk can save you a lot of time, money, and irritation.

08 – Napkins


BUY HERE: Car Sun Visor Tissue Box Holder

Don’t let a spill on your clothing derail your mental state before that job interview or first date. Keep napkins in your car and save yourself the embarrassment later.

07 – Cologne/Perfume

Car Perfume
Car Perfume

BUY HERE: Areon Car Perfume

Did you leave the house in a mad dash without a chance to freshen up? Not to worry, you planned ahead and put a spare bottle of cologne or perfume in your center console so that your only odor is pleasant.

06 – Breath Mints

Breath Mints
Breath Mints


Nothing can be worse than learning that you have bad breath without a way to correct it. Keeping emergency breath mints can pay off significantly in times of need.

05 – Snacks


BUY HERE: Ultimate Snack Care Package

When time is of the essence, having a snack stored in the car can help you relieve any hunger related irritation.

04 – Pen and Paper

Rocketbook Wave Smart Notebook
Rocketbook Wave Smart Notebook

BUY HERE: Rocketbook Wave Smart Notebook

Whether you want to write a passive-aggressive ‘thank you’ note to the person who’s double-parked, or you forgot your grocery list at home, having a pen on standby can help you to avoid a number of troubles.

03 – Water Bottles

Car Vehicle Back Seat Hooks
Car Vehicle Back Seat Hooks

BUY HERE: Car Vehicle Back Seat Hooks

In the unfortunate event that your car breaks down, you don’t want to be stuck waiting for help and dehydrating. Save yourself one less problem and keep some bottled water under your seat or in the trunk.

02 – Jacket


You’ve just pulled up to the movie theatre and realized that you forgot to bring a sweater. Don’t let the sound of your own shivering prevent you from hearing what’s happening on screen, keep a jacket in your car and enjoy the movie in comfort.

01 – Phone Charger

Anker 24W Dual USB Car Charger
Anker 24W Dual USB Car Charger

BUY HERE: Anker 24W Dual USB Car Charger

In extreme scenarios, this can be the difference between life and death. Keeping a phone charger in your car at all times will always work in your favor, especially in case of emergency.