Felice Varini is a Swiss artist who is famous with amazing anamorphic Illusions. He was nominated for the 2000/2001 Marcel Duchamp Prize for that extraordinary art. He creates geometric shapes on wall rooms and other spaces with projector-stencil techniques. You have to look from right angle to see shapes. From other view points you would just see broken fragmented shapes. He also paints on architectural and urban spaces, such as buildings, walls and streets.
This mind blowing process is called ‘’ Anamorphosis’’. Anamorphosis is a clever eye trick that appears distorted unless it is viewed from a special angle or with a special instrument. Felice Varini has been creating optical illusions throughout the artist’s 30 plus year career, several of which revolved around anamorphic illusions.
Check out 10 Most Impressive Anamorphic Illusions by Felice Varini. Try not to get dizzy. Looks like impossible anyways.
10 – Illusions by Felice Varini
09 – Illusions by Felice Varini
08 – Illusions by Felice Varini
07 – Illusions by Felice Varini
06 – Illusions by Felice Varini
05 – Illusions by Felice Varini
04 – Illusions by Felice Varini
03 – Illusions by Felice Varini
02 – Illusions by Felice Varini
01 – Illusions by Felice Varini
Source: Felice Varini Official Website