10 Most Amazing World War 1 Facts Facts December 14, 2017World War 1 is very often seen as a war of carnage, trench warfare and infamous battles such as the...
10 Most Bizarre Sports in Olympic History Sports November 17, 2017The Olympic Games have a long and storied history of showcasing the best athletes from around the world. However, not...
10 Most Bad-Ass Facts About Attila the Hun FactsPeople November 4, 2017If there is one thing that is not in doubt, there is the fact that Attila the Hun was one...
10 Most Obscure Facts About Cleopatra Facts October 28, 2017One of the most famous women in all history has to be Cleopatra. As Egypt’s last independent Pharaoh, she was...
10 Most Fascinating Facts About Alexander The Great Facts October 7, 2017Alexander III of Macedon is one of the most famous and respected figures in history, known mainly by his popular...
10 Most Amazing Political Blunders In History FactsPeople October 1, 2017For something so important and well-planned as politics, there have been some massive blunders through its history. From sheer bad...
10 Most Interesting Facts About the Knights Templar Facts September 17, 2017Established in 1139, the Knights Templar were (and in fact still are!) one of the most fascinating secret orders in...
10 Most Notorious Things About Genghis Khan People August 30, 2017If there was an award for the most brutal, genocidal leader in history then Genghis Khan’s name would be in...
10 Most Haunted Places in the World Places August 24, 2017Stories about ghosts and malovent spirits have fascinated and terrified us ever since time began. This is especially true in...
10 Most Infamous Pirates in History FactsPeople August 23, 2017Enduring and colourful figures in history, pirates have always held a certain glamour and swagger ever since they exploded into...